Although it took me a few days to get through the whole book (because of my schedule) it was always in the back of my mind. I thought it was very simple, baring and unadorning. I am a big fan of writing like that, I yearn to be a writer who can use simple words and sentences but make you feel deep, grand things in your emotions, your memories and your heart. A writer who can just reach out and touch your soul with their pen.
It is written from the girl's POV entirely, but who stood out for me was the mom. The struggle between mothers and daughters it seems is a Universal one. They hurt us trying to love us and we don't know how to be with them when we're grown up. We understand eachother the most, but also face the biggest difficulty in making the other person see us. We are forever separated and tied together in this bond that is mother-daughter. That I thought was so nicely encapsulated in this book. It was a great read, short and engaging. Definitely made me nostalgic for a Korean childhood (that I most definitely did not have and don't have any context for) and made me crave Korean food.